Genetically Modified Organism (GMO): A catastrophe for our Natural Eco System

I clearly recall during a college classroom discussion with my Law Professor about the subject of GMO’s that was brought up in our ethics class.  He said, “There is nothing wrong with GMO’s, mankind have been altering genes for thousands of years.” I was not prepared to debate with someone who I knew had an intellectual advantage, but I will track him down again to express what he said a few years ago was incorrect, misinformed, and counter factual.  It was only during the turn of the century where Geneticist’s discovered technology that allowed us to probe the essence to where life’s written code begins…in our DNA.

Maybe my professor’s comprehension about GMO’s consist of a Horticulturist’s or Agriculturist’s splicing of a branch of a flower or fruit tree that can alter its appearance and create a hybrid within the species itself. I have done this type of experiments myself in high school and college; using nature’s ability that acquiesce or reject the modification by a method where organisms will allow the replication and division of homogeneous cells within the species itself. Traditional practices in the fields where plants were nurtured by the sun, wind , and rain  by “graphing” or “splicing” is far from what Geneticist’s in laboratories now have the capability to do. Mad men and women in white coats conduct invasive procedures that can take a gene from one species to add it to another species and create an unnatural and disastrous effect by, “Genetic Engineering.”  There are billions of dollars being made for the excuse to make things, “Better for Mankind.” Researchers are being funded to give birth to disease resistant plants, herbicide resistant crops, pest resistant strains, and exalting man-made bananas that will produce vaccines that can cause havoc to our Natural Eco Systems.

It would be a better idea if we would round up all those in the Bio-Tech Industry, place them on a ship to space and find a planet where they could conduct all of their testing on a vulnerable alien population and see how much destruction they can cause.  Here on this planet, Genetic Engineers have found ways to reorganize DNA and allow the government to hide the fact that GMO’s are in our food supply. As a consumer, we have the inherent right to know what we choose to eat is not harmful to our bodies. Adding the statement to a label that indicates, “Made with Genetically Modified Organisms” is similar to having, “Fat Free” listed boldly on a package or can. The argument by GMO proponents use scare tactics that insist it would add more cost to foods for shoppers, but in economic theory of “Productive Efficiency,” that cost would be minimized with increased outputs.

I am not anti-science. I am against science that have propagated new technologies that have the potential to place our Eco Systems into an irreversible mess! In many cases outside the U.S., studies on GMO corn fed to rats show outright toxicities. “The results of all parameters evaluated in our investigation were consistent and confirm that the GM diet fed to rats for 30, 60, and 90 days, has deleterious histopathological and histochemical impacts.”   Do you need more evidence to prove that GMO’s are poisons? This is only a small sample of what we know to be true. What about the food chain? What about the cattle that have been fed GMO corn and is then sold to unwary carnivores? That protein source on the BBQ grill during a birthday party will cause cellular damage or other diseases from ingesting contaminants.

On that account, if these lab rats have been dying of GMO-Caused diseases, what is currently happening to the deer, the raccoons, the crows, the squirrels, and other living creatures that feast in these fields of corn from hundreds of thousands of acres in our nation and around the world? Corn is just one major crop where GMO testing takes place. Many other food sources on land and sea is vulnerable to technologies that have the support of the FDA and the Food Industry.  Forcing nature to change into organisms with gene modifications so that it can correspond to custom designs is abnormal in every sense of the word. Humankind have always been provoked by curiosity and discovery, but GMO’s and its demonstrable failures are a blatant warning that tampering with what has already been created should not be re-created.

Health to you,