I can remember many days standing at the checkout line at the grocery store staring at the selection of my favorite chocolates. This was such a pleasurable moment as I chose from over fifty brands and flavors that gave me a moment of happiness knowing that I will soon unwrap my treat while driving home and enjoying the sweet sensation of that chewy delight. That bar of chocolate always felt better with an ice cold carton of chocolate milk laced with an additional 41 grams of more sugar to ignite my dopamine levels in my brain cells. Chocolate candy had a grip on me like plastic wrap on an unfinished pumpkin pie during Thanksgiving. That candy rack at the grocery store didn’t have to scream my name, it is placed on the right hand side because 70 to 95 percent of shoppers are right-handed, making it much easier with a dominant right hand to quickly reach for one to four candy bars before placing their groceries on that conveyor belt. Do you believe my theory on why stores place candy racks on the right side of the cash register? As far as right-handers are concerned, most humans are right handed according to Scientific American. Compulsion and ease of access by dominant genetic makeup.

It has been nearly a year now that I have made the choice for a healthier body. Eating refined sugars quickly spikes insulin levels. “Insulin causes you to convert and store excess sugar as fat and also stores excess fats as fat” (The New Sugar Busters 2003). Refined sugar is a toxin that does nothing but harm. It has no nutritional benefits that our body can utilize. You must condition yourself to learn that ingesting refined sugars will hurt you, not help you. If you have an uncontrolled sugar craving, select an apple, banana, raspberries, mango, papaya, or peach rather than noxious empty calories from a candy bar. If you cannot find fresh fruit, choose dried ones without preservatives. Fruit is full of nutrition that can help build your immune system and overall health. Seriously, if you want to breath easier, walk faster, feel more alive, and have smooth beautiful skin, you have to stop reaching for candy bars at your secretary’s front desk and supermarket and MAKE FRUIT YOUR CANDY. You can ask me now, do I miss having my favorite chocolates? Not even close, I am set free from my chocolate bar and refined sugar addiction! My cravings were so bad for sugar, that whenever I drove past my favorite bakery, I would think about munching a whole pie for dessert and finishing it off at breakfast. Now, fruit is my satisfaction because of that delicious fiber that gives me satiety. Don’t let refined sugar slowly draw out calcium from your bones and teeth just so that your body can process this chemical. Sugar slowly and surreptitiously causes your health to decay and you can’t even feel it until your body starts to fail. There’s a whole new world that awaits to explore in the way of wholesome natural fruit that could grow in your yard or your neighbors (harvest with permission).

